Brian Burg '03 Headshot

Brian Burg '03

History & Secondary Education

Mustang Team Trains Burg for the Future


MMU: Tell us about your history with basketball. When did your passion for the sport start?

BB: I became involved with basketball at the age of four. My dad, who is my hero, 我在大学打过篮球,从很小的时候起,我对这项运动的热爱就大大增加了.

MMU: You played basketball at Mount Mercy for two years. What was that experience like?

BB: 我重视场上和场下的关系. 我非常感谢Gavin教练和Drymon教练招募了我. My experience at Mount Mercy University changed my life. 我结交了一辈子的朋友,也真正了解了自己.

My experience at Mount Mercy University changed my life. 我结交了一辈子的朋友,也真正了解了自己.

Brian Burg '03

这是我第一次住在德克萨斯州以外的地方, being away from family, you learn about yourself in a new environment. 我回顾我在芒特仁慈大学的岁月,珍惜我作为学生运动员的回忆. 我在球场上和课堂上都受到了优秀的教练员的挑战,正是这些挑战把我塑造成了今天的我.

MMU: You’ve been coaching since 2003. 是什么激发了你对教练的兴趣,它把你带到了哪里?

BB: 我从小手里就拿着篮球,因为我想成为我父亲那样的人. 在很多情况下,他教给我的人生课程都来自他的大学教练. Teamwork, work ethic, discipline, unselfishness, 坚韧是他传授给我的所有生活技能,也是他在日常经营中使用的技能.

我经常回顾我和芒特慈悲学院的教练们之间的关系. 唯一突出的是他与加文教练和他所有助手的关系. They were truth-tellers and built relationships on trust. This is a concept that I try to use with players at Texas Tech.


BB: 过去的几个赛季充满了魔力——参加了对阵维拉诺瓦大学的精英8强赛,并与弗吉尼亚大学争夺全国冠军. As I look back, 最震撼人心的时刻是前球员打来的电话,感谢我们的工作人员和我,感谢球员们现在在现实世界中每天使用的纪律和责任. 他们正在使用我们每天在现实世界中教授的支柱(团队合作), discipline, unselfish, respect, no entitlement).

我们坚信,在我们的课程中,我们是培养那些在球场内外都能取得成功的人的创造者,只要他们坚持高标准的问责制和纪律. 在我执教的15年里,我确信的一个概念是,学生运动员渴望纪律. They might fight it early on, 但纪律提供了结构,并接管了一个共同的例行公事,使他们取得成功. 第二个概念是相信团队,为你身边的人而战. 在我看来,这两个特点在任何成功的组织中都是非常普遍的.


BB: 我很幸运能与伟大的教练和伟大的球员一起工作. 对于成功的球员和教练来说,一些突出的共同特征是纪律和对特定计划的一致性. 和我共事过的每一个精英球员都有一个具体的计划. The common question that we ask in our program is, "What do you want in life, and what are you willing to do to achieve it?"  These two questions are asked to all our players, and a specific plan or vision is laid out for them to follow. 我们相信一个“过程”是由八到九个日常习惯组成的,这些习惯是在高水平上完成的. This "process," completed on a daily basis, allows the player to grow and develop, and gives them the best opportunity to achieve their dreams. I haven’t mentioned work ethic because that is a given. If you don’t work hard and you can’t take coaching, 你不仅要在篮球场上挣扎,还要在现实世界中挣扎.

MMU: Tell us about a big coaching learning experience. How did it impact you?

BB: “逆境使一个人认识自己”和“衡量一个人的最终标准不是他在舒适方便的时候所处的位置。, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." These are two quotes that stick out to me because, in basketball as well as life, you will be faced with adversity. 这些是球员生命中最重要的时刻,将他们塑造成他们将成为的人. Throughout the journey to the Final 4 we experienced adversity. 今年早些时候,教练组在训练场上的一个受控环境中创建了它.

我们坚信坚韧的精神和我们的座右铭“4:1”(精神与身体之比为4比1)。. 赛季中的伤病带来了逆境,这不仅对球员也是对教练的挑战. 在这个赛季的起起落落中,逆境让我们的团队变得更加紧密. 学习的经验是,你真正了解你是谁,你在逆境中代表什么. The bond that our team had late in the year was unimaginable. 有些亲密关系是在一年中艰难艰难的时候建立起来的.

The bond that our team had late in the year was unimaginable. 有些亲密关系是在一年中艰难艰难的时候建立起来的.

Brian Burg '03

MMU: What are you looking forward to most in your career? What’s next for you?

BB: My dream is to be a NCAA Division I head coach. 我非常幸运地为一些非常有才华的主教练工作. Chris Beard (Texas Tech), Kermit Davis (Ole Miss), LeVelle Moton (North Carolina Central), 和罗比·莱恩(UCF)都对我的执教理念产生了影响. From their teachings and being a great mentor to me, 我已经能够形成自己的教练理念,并希望在不久的将来有机会运行我自己的项目.

"I've been able to formulate my own coaching philosophy,我希望在不久的将来有机会运行我自己的程序."

MMU: Is there anything you’d like to add?

BB: 感谢哈曼总统来到四强赛,为红突袭队加油! 感谢加文教练和他的工作人员给我机会来到这样一所伟大的大学. 感谢教授们,他们可能不知道他们对我的生活产生了影响,但他们确实影响了我. Frank Jaszcz, Dr. Tom Castle, Jay Shuldiner, Dale Harrison, Dr. Jan Handler, Dr. Charlotte Fallon, and many others.

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